Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Story told by Daniel Panozzo


  1. Well said, Daniel. I think your story pretty much sums up the two sides of the equation. I left Korea a couple of years back and spent a year in Taiwan. Overall, it was amazing in its own way; a country I'd recommend. Anyway, at the start I loved being pretty much anonymous and the fact that nobody stared at me on the subway - and that they were willing to sit beside me! Oddly though, at the end, I felt like a bit of a nobody. I guess I missed all those little extra "service" moments ... so I'm back!

  2. hiya

    im born and raised in Canada
    but i can tell you it's not that they are racist but they are probably scared. Too be honest, im scared of sitting next to black or white ppl too SOMETIMES. I dont hate hate white ppl, in fact my friends are white and i grew up around white ppl. But i understand if you think a form of feeling intimidated or fear is another form of racism...
